What is time, really, when the all that truly matters takes place beyond our daily existence? We craft lives of unavoidables: bills, relationships, commitments. At one time, we looked down this path, saw everything we wanted, and chose it. If you believe in predestination, we can not even say there was another path to choose.
But you find yourself now, looking for more, the spiritual, and so must create your own branching pathway that leads away from the day to day and into the all-sorrounding, ever-encompassing universal mind space. You can plant your life there, where spirit is all that matters, as you walk through the day to day.
What if 95% of your life was spiritual and 5% daily existence, instead of the other way around, as you live it now? It is a choice that takes as much diligence as any other life choice. The reward is peace, comfort, oneness with the Spirit.
It may require great sacrifice as you rid yourself of those around you who do nothing but drag you down - some people just don’t get it and so will actively fight you rather than accept your choice of spiritual enlightenment. If you must do this alone, you will still never be alone.
This book is your guide into that realm of the spirit you know is there. You’ve sensed it. You’ve learned of it in church, though perhaps rather tangentially. We hope to take you that next step, from your Christian roots into the New Age, where the message is far more important than the messenger. Organized religion may show you the door, but they will never take you beyond, because that is a universal space of the individual and the everything. It is the end of church as we know it.
And it is a book for the New Agers who denounce religion for all the right reasons, but throw out the Savior with the bath water. God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, along with Mary, the Holy Mother - these are all part of our Spiritual World. To deny them is to journey into a huge, darkened hall and refusing to turn on the lights as you enter.
While we are the authors of record, we consider our roles as a mystic and a channeler to bring to you that which has been placed within us for the sole purpose of passing it on.