What if 95% of your life was spiritual and 5% daily existence, instead of the other way around, as you live it now? It is a choice that takes as much diligence as any other life choice. The reward is peace, comfort, oneness with the Spirit. This book provides contemplative poetry for meditation and devotion, transcribed messages from the Holy Spirit

by Michael R. Martin, CLS
with Maggie McCary

Monday, October 28, 2013

Soul Insights now on sale as paperback at Amazon.com

Soul Insights is now available in paperback for $12.95 at Amazon.com (currently on sale for $12.30 and eligible for Amazon Prime)

Soul Insights is also available as a Kindle book for $6.95 • Get your free Kindle Reader App

105 people took advantage of my free Kindle copy promotion.

Visit my author page on amazon at http://amazon.com/author/cedareden  and goodreads at http://goodreads.com/cedareden

I would appreciate reviews on amazon.com and goodreads.com

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Words in praise of Soul Insights

I have only read a little, but each poem and it's accompanying scripture is so thought provoking, I must ponder each one for a time. I have already discovered some new centers of my relationship with God. Thanks, Michael!

Source: Cynthia Smith review

Soul Insights now available as Paperback

Soul Insights is now available in paperback for $12.95 at CreateSpace http://goo.gl/pQ7fej and will soon be available as paperback on amazon.com (it takes up to 5 days to list).

Soul Insights is also available as a Kindle book for $6.95 at http://goo.gl/OgLpIB

105 people took advantage of my free Kindle copy promotion.

Visit my author page on amazon at http://amazon.com/author/cedareden  and goodreads at http://goodreads.com/cedareden

I would appreciate reviews on amazon.com and goodreads.com

Friday, October 18, 2013

Loving Arms

I wrapped you in my loving arms
More than you received, you gave that love to others
Knowing you would always be filled up with my love
You held my hand through times of great tribulation
You stood with the great truth at your side
And now this shall be your reward

Go forth in life and accept the goodness I shall lay in your path

Surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
 Psalm 23:6 (NIV)

Excerpt from "Soul Insights" on sale now at http://goo.gl/OgLpIB
Available free Oct 18-22

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sing This Day

Tune out the self, the negative, the self-critical
Listen for the voice of the Great I Am
You are a jewel, set in this life to shine

Open your mind, take in the Holy
Open your heart, bathe in the Glory
Love your Self, then
Shine with the power of the Spirit within

Sing Holy, sing Glory
Sing of the love that cannot be contained
Sing for the Spirit within you surrounds you
Sing for your Self, for the power of each day
Sing for your Self, for the power of each day
Excerpt from "Soul Insights" on sale now at http://goo.gl/OgLpIB
Available free Oct 18-22

Soul Insights free for Five Days

"Soul Insights: Poems for Contemplative Meditation for Christians Bridging the New Age" will be available for the Kindle FREE for five days starting Friday Oct 18, after which it will be available for $6.95. Visit http://goo.gl/OgLpIB

Amazon Prime members can borrow the book NOW for FREE.

FYI, you can get the Kindle reader app FREE for your iPhone, iPad, Android device, PC, MAC, or Blackberry at http://goo.gl/K4XnOg

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Soul Insights on sale for Kindle

My new book, "Soul Insights: Poems for Contemplative Meditation" is now available for Kindle at

Monday, October 14, 2013

Holy Breath

I've been too long my feet firmly planted
Drifting aimless, my mind on earthly things
Heal me. Take my hand. Lift me up.
Enwrap me in universal love.
Focus my eyes on Holy things
Be my all and everything.
My life, wrapped in You
I breathe you in. And in my exhalation
The power to share your Holy breath

“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
 Matthew 6:9-13(NIV)
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Revised Book Cover

As my book nears publication (Kindle Version), I have updated the cover art.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sanctuary: A positive meditation

Surround yourself with goodness
Be open to the pull of the universe
Let yourself be guided by currents that surround you
Yield to the forces of good in your life
Forces only felt when you focus on the goodness that surrounds you
We live within the currents of the universal
Goodness swirls around us, forming eddies in our lives Be open to the flow of the universal currents
Seek them, flow with them, follow them
Like dust that swirls within beams of sun
So our lives swirl within beams of universal love
from "Soul Insights" by Michael R. Martin

Searching - an excerpt from Soul Insights: Christians Bridging the New Age by Michael R. Martin

We are born whole, complete
From the moment we leave our mother's womb we spend the rest of our lives
searching for that wholeness, that oneness, complete God is always there, nurturing, guiding
Waiting for us to find him
This is God's prevenient grace watching over us
And though we can never find that completeness in this lifetime We can open our hearts to the One guiding spirit
And become more than we are,
With eyes focused beyond the mortal plane
Source: Soul Insights: Christians Bridging the New Age